1. Introduction of Low Dioxna SLES production system
This system by adding flash evaporation system at the two stage neutralization loop, to achieved the low-dioxan SLES production.
The sulfonated product form sulfonation system is sent to 1# Neutralization Reactor(R1401), at the same time lye, process water are accurately measured separately by the mass flow meter and sent to the 1# Neutralization Reactor, a special six layer agitator set in Neutralization Reactor, stir and mix well step by step to completed the Neutralization Reactor, after that the neutralized product sent to Flash Evaporator (S1401) fined the dehydration of SLES slurry by flash evaporation under the vacuum, the dioxan is removed also from the slurry by its azeotropicproperty with water. The Monomer Recycling Pump (P1406) feeds the slurry back to the inlet of 1# Neutralization Reactor, forms a closed recycling loop. After the reaction products fully reacted and the PH is been fine-tuned been sent to product modulation tank. The addition amount of lye is automatic adjustment by a PH automatic adjustment meter which is set at the outlet of 1# Neutralization Reactor, the addition amount of stabilizer is automatic adjustment by the PH automatic adjustment meter which is set at the outlet of 2# Neutralization Reactor, the stable PH value is achieved by two-stage adjustment.
Gas mixture containing dioxan after condensation in Condenser(E1401)and then the condensate is automatic drained to outside by the controlled of level control.
2. The characteristics of the low-dioxin SLES production system. (Fig 1. 2. 3)
A. Stable and accurate PH automatic adjustment:a mature two-stage neutralization system was adopted, with 1# neutralization reactor for primary PH regulation and 2# neutralization reactor for fine-tuning PH;
B. Adding flash evaporation system at the two stage neutralization loop, take full advantage of the heat of neutralization by using the characteristics of flash evaporation to remove the dioxin Achieve the best energy-saving effects.
C. The characteristics of ZJS’S Flash Evaporator:
a) Using fine spray porous nozzle, the number of the nozzle decide by the product capacity, the design of fine spray porous nozzle should to ensure the fine spray specific surface area of the material at unit volume as large as possible and also need to be ensure the material not over micro fine spray, to achieve the best dioxan remove result. The design of ZJS’s Flash Evaporator dioxan remove rate over 85%. Such as Union Chemicals Factory LLC in UAE, before remove the dioxin is 50-60PPm, after removed the dioxin is 7-8PPm, please see the attached TEST CERTIFICATE;
b) For achieve the best neutralization result Fine spray porous nozzle design should ensure the neutralization system is working under a certain positive pressure;
c) A gas liquid separator is set in the equipment inner, no entrainment of gas and liquid, reduce material consumption;
d) Mirror polishing is used inside the equipment inner wall, no material residue and the design and manufactured according to sanitary requirements.
e) Compact structure , 2 meters lower than similar equipment height, easy for maintenance and save space;
D. A liquid tank set at the bottom of condenser, by the high and low level automatic control system, the condensate is automatic drained automatically, and the vacuum system operates stably without fluctuation.
3. Dioxan remove for low concentration SLES
The low concentration SLES (such as 30%) is easy to be foamed after disturbance or shock, cost seriously gas liquid entrainment, difficult to control the vacuum levels, by adding non-disturbance flash evaporator structure at ZJS’s originally flash evaporator, can dehydration the low concentration SLES, to remove the dioxan.